BC PNP Northeast Pilot Project

The BC PNP Northeast Pilot Project was launched by the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) in April 2012 to meet the high demand for workers in the British Columbia Northeast Development Region. Acceptance of applications under the BC PNP Northeast Pilot Project have been extended until March, 31, 2015.

BC PNP Northeast Pilot Project Eligibility

You may be eligible for the BC PNP Northeast Pilot Project program if you are currently working in the Northeast Development Region as a temporary foreign worker in any occupation listed as Skill Level C or D in the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC) matrix. These occupations usually require completion of secondary school, occupation-specific training or on-the-job training. The occupations include (but are not limited to) mine service workers, heavy equipment operators, machine operators and retail sales clerks.

If you have a work permit under the federal Live-In Caregiver program, you are not eligible for the BC PNP Northeast Pilot Project program as the federal program already provides participants with a pathway to permanent residence.

All other requirements of the Entry-Level and Semi-Skilled worker category remain the same, including:

  • nine months of full-time employment with the supporting employer before the date of application,
  • minimum education,
  • English language proficiency, and
  • a family income that meets or exceeds the BC PNP‘s income threshold or the  Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO) levels set by the Government of Canada.

If you have an offer of permanent full-time employment for a higher-skilled occupation at the NOC Skill Level 0, A or B, you may apply to the BC PNP as a skilled worker.

Please Contact Us for more information on this program.

Global Immigration Consulting Services